Christian vocabulary in Russian dialects

  1. Lemma
  2. Христианская лексика в диалектах русского языка
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Culture and national identities
  6. 2006
  7. Дубровина Светлана [Author]. Christian vocabulary in Russian dialects
  8. Христианская лексика в диалектах русского языка : Christian vocabulary in Russian dialects
  9. folk religion - linguistics
    1. The study of Christian vocabulary in Russian language showed an inextricable link between linguistic problems and a cultural phenomenon, known in science as “folk Orthodoxy”, “domestic Orthodoxy” or “popular Christianity”. Consideration of the dialectal language of folk Orthodoxy is possible only if one takes into account the fundamental principles of Christianity, which have built up a Russian character and a Russian culture over the centuries.

      On the other hand, the Christian tradition in the folk-peasant environment existed in the forms of "simple" faith, expressed in the semiotics of folk culture. The Christian consciousness of the Russian people was formed under the influence and in connection with the traditional "mythopoetic" consciousness. Therefore, the analysis of the array of Christian vocabulary required not only the study of dialect terminology, but also an appeal to the traditions of ethnic culture.