Cultural heritage in the context of State-Сhurch relations in Russia

  1. Lemma
  2. Культурное наследие в контексте государственно-церковных отношений в России
  3. Russian
  4. Culture and national identities
  5. 1999
  6. Сгибнева Ольга [Author]. Cultural heritage in the context of State-Сhurch relations in Russia
  7. Культурное наследие в контексте государственно-церковных отношений в России : Cultural heritage in the context of state-church relations in Russia
  8. culture
    1. The dialogue between the state and Сhurch is possible and necessary, since it is needed by society and culture. The basis for overcoming disagreements should be mutual respect for each other’s positions, the legal and historical competence of the dialogue participants, an understanding of the unity and integrity of the cultural and historical heritage and the desire to preserve it for the future of Russia. Misunderstanding in this area and the destruction of the dialogue can lead to a cultural catastrophe, the scale of which is difficult to imagine.

      The system of preservation of cultural heritage that has developed in Russia can hardly be considered optimal so far, since it still does not fully protect cultural values from destruction, from a subjective approach to the assessment of their significance. It needs further legal support, laws that take into account the dynamics and patterns of cultural development and relevant relations in the field of culture. The slowness with which the legislator is currently considering issues related to the heritage of culture significantly slows down this process and does not contribute to creating an atmosphere of respect for cultural values in society, to those cultural achievements that form the basis of the progress of society and man.