The social concept of Orthodoxy in the life of modern Russia

  1. Lemma
  2. Социальная концепция Православия в жизни современной России
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Culture and national identities
  6. 2009
  7. Денисенко Мария [Author]. The social concept of Orthodoxy in the life of modern Russia
  8. Социальная концепция Православия в жизни современной России : The social concept of Orthodoxy in the life of modern Russia
  9. Social Conception of Russian Orthodox Church
    1. The modern social concept of Orthodoxy, according to the author, sums up the long evolution of the social doctrine of Russian Orthodox Church, substantially developing it and constitutes a necessary part of the ministry of the Church in modern society, a comprehensive and broad doctrine, claiming to explain a wide range of issues relating to philosophy, politics, sociology, ethics and jurisprudence. The author notes that the social concept is a theological document that connects all phenomena of social life with the divine principle and all worldview interpretations are accordingly presented in such a way that people may not agree with secular consciousness.

      In the conditions of social transformations in Russia, the social concept of Orthodoxy stands for the maintenance of interfaith dialogue, the implementation of peacekeeping activities, the development of a nationwide idea, the maintenance of moral and cultural foundations, etc.

      "Today, all the prerequisites have been created for the formulation of new philosophical tasks, for the resumption of Russian religious philosophy of forcibly interrupted work in the preservation of social tradition. The direction of this work is congruent with the spiritual quest of modernity, therefore the modern social concept of Orthodoxy is a necessary part of serving the Church in the modern world, has a powerful cultural and social resonance, seeks to give answers to topical social issues designed to ensure the material and spiritual well-being, spiritual balance of the people and promote progress in different spheres of public life".