Medicine and Orthodoxy: medical, social, organizational and ethical issues

  1. Lemma
  2. Медицина и православие: медико-социальные, организационные и этические проблемы
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine
  6. 2005
  7. Филимонов Сергей [Author]. Medicine and Orthodoxy: medical, social, organizational and ethical issues
  8. Медицина и православие: медико-социальные, организационные и этические проблемы : Medicine and Orthodoxy: medical, social, organizational and ethical issues
  9. euthanasia - abortion
    1. The resumption of the active work of the Church in the area of medicine since the late 1980s brought to life both traditional and new forms and methods of medico-social and charitable work. The cooperation of the Church and the state in the field of public health and social ministry, the legal base of which is in the process of formation, testifies to the recognition of the significance of the ROC in the life of Russian society, contributes to the expansion of the social base of health care and the involvement of the general population to address health and health issues and revive the spiritual traditions of medicine .