Philosophical analysis of the social doctrine of Russian Orthodox Church in the 20th century

  1. Lemma
  2. Философский анализ Cоциальной доктрины Русской Православной Церкви в 20 веке
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Culture and national identities
  6. 2005
  7. Гаврилова Валерия [Author]. Philosophical analysis of the social doctrine of Russian Orthodox Church in the 20th century
  8. Философский анализ Cоциальной доктрины Русской Православной Церкви в 20 веке : Philosophical analysis of the Social Doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 20th century
  9. Social Conception of Russian Orthodox Church
    1. The document adopted in 2000 at the jubilee Bishops' Council is called “The Foundations of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church”, which underlines the incompleteness of the document and the presence of only basic guiding social ideas of modern Orthodoxy, according to the author. The most part of the document represents scholastic and even casuistic excursions into the historical-legal aspects of state-church relations far from the socio-philosophical review. Nevertheless, the USC of the Russian Orthodox Church contains a number of systematized modern social views of the most authoritative confession in post-Soviet Russia.

      The author calls the concept to be weakly philosophical. "The document is filled with numerous footnotes to the Scripture, resolutions of the Ecumenical Councils, the works of the Church Fathers, the statements of saints, etc. The declarative and categorical style of the document resembles a directive rather than a social concept based on theoretical argumentation and philosophical tradition. The philosophical legacy, including the works of prominent Russian religious philosophers, is essentially ignored by the concept. Nevertheless, a number of document ideas implicitly entered here from the Russian religious philosophy of the late 19th and early 20th centuries".