Transformation of science and religion in the culture of Postmodern

  1. Lemma
  2. Трансформация науки и религии в культуре постмодерна
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Premodern _modern_ postmodern
  6. 2003
  7. Семенюк Светлана [Author]. Transformation of science and religion in the culture of Postmodern
  8. Трансформация науки и религии в культуре постмодерна : Transformation of science and religion in the culture of postmodern
  9. pseudoscience - pseudo-Christianity
    1. An analysis of the attempts to integrate science and Christianity shows that these attempts not only do not help overcome the crisis of Christianity, but lead to its deepening, which is manifested in the following aspects: the integration of Christianity and science determines that the spirit of innovation characteristic of science penetrates into Christianity, makes it as unstable and impermanent as everyone in the postmodern world and leads to the emergence of more and more pseudo-Christian sects; the inevitable consequence of the integration of Christianity and science is the pantheism of Christianity, since pantheism, with its idea of an impersonal, devoid of moral qualities of the Absolute, is much closer to the natural science picture of the world than traditional Christianity as a theistic religion.

      At the same time, the spread of pantheistic theories leads to an increase in the crisis of Christianity, first, because it contradicts its fundamental tenets, and, second, because the pantheistic version of Christianity, on the one hand, contributes to the growth of relativism, and on the other - makes it impossible reliance on divine love and a guarantee of ultimate justice, which weakens the influence of Christianity in modern Western culture; the integration of science and religion in the postmodern culture inevitably leads to the rationalization of religion, resulting in the postulation of Protestant theologians of the need for a hermeneutic approach to the Bible, which ultimately leads to an increase in the crisis of Christianity, because it deprives it of any dogmatic certainty.

      Studies of various forms of the integration of science and Christianity suggest that attempts to synthesize science and Christianity determine the transformation of Christianity into pseudo-Christianity.

      Attempts to synthesize science and religion are destructive not only for traditional Christianity, but also for science. Analysis of various forms of integration of science and religion shows that they inevitably lead to the transformation of science into pseudoscience, which manifests itself in the following aspects: First, the integration of the religious and scientific worldview necessitates the recognition of the wonders in science. Secondly, the synthesis of science and religion leads to the fact that science must integrate such features of religion as authoritarianism and the lack of correction of knowledge, as well as the substitution of explanation of facts through the laws of nature, evidence, stories, interpretations that are not subject to any experimental verification. Thus, the integration of science and religion has negative consequences for the development of science, since attempts to synthesize them, causing the transformation of science into pseudoscience, at the same time, contribute to the growing crisis of science.