Socio-cultural features of representation of religious experience in Social Sciences of the Soviet period

  1. Lemma
  2. Социокультурные особенности репрезентации религиозного опыта в общественных науках советского периода
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Atheism
  6. 2011
  7. Молостова Елена [Author]. Socio-cultural features of representation of religious experience in Social Sciences of the Soviet period
  8. Социокультурные особенности репрезентации религиозного опыта в общественных науках советского периода : Socio-cultural features of representation of religious experience in the Social Sciences of the Soviet period
  9. Marxist philosophy
    1. From the author's point of view, the Marxism declarations about the illusory nature of religion as the “birthmark” of capitalism, due to the socio-economic causes of inequality and exploitation, did not stand the test in practice. In this connection, we encounter the development of methodological approaches and conceptual apparatus, principles for the study of believers and their sociocultural representation through the prism of the social sciences: philosophy, psychology, cultural theory, ethnology, and religious studies; the development of tools for sociological research became almost the only way to recreate a reliable picture of the religiosity of the population at various stages of development of socialist society.

      It becomes obvious that the social sciences in general, sociology, the psychology of religion, in particular, in their scientific search objectively, from scientific and methodologically competent positions, reflected the specificity and level of religiosity of the Soviet society. The scientific methodology for the study of religiosity and the social nature of religion, developed in the Soviet period, has not lost its relevance and scientific  methodological significance today.

      At the same time, the design of objective knowledge in the Soviet period went in the "transformed form" of the ideological constructs of Marxism-Leninism, supporting the "proper" level of ideas for the general population. A “form” of scientific research of religious experience in the Soviet period in an ideologically designed construct was “scientific atheism”, which was a synthesis of both ideologies and a scientific discipline with ideological attitudes and formulations for “overcoming religion”, which included active and integrated anti-religious agitation to turn believers into atheists - a new type of personality. All this paradoxically connected the illusory ideological transformed form with a genuine scientific methodology and objective approaches in the analysis of the religious consciousness of the population and its socio-cultural representation in the social sciences.