Asceticism as a phenomenon of philosophical and religious consciousness

  1. Lemma
  2. Подвижничество как феномен философско-религиозного сознания
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Mysticism and Orthodox spiritual experience
  6. 2006
  7. Рынковой Иван [Author]. Asceticism as a phenomenon of philosophical and religious consciousness
  8. Подвижничество как феномен философско-религиозного сознания : Asceticism as a phenomenon of philosophical and religious consciousness
  9. Palamas, Gregory
    1. The study identified and systematized ascetic experience in its various forms. It is shown that the experience solving such problems is deeply specific. In the ascetic practice, a highly developed method of cognition with strictly regulated procedures for organizing experience was discovered.

      It is proposed to study the ascetic experience to abandon the binary opposition purely external and purely internal and to propose the position of dialogical or participant consciousness, when the scientific consciousness, while retaining its defining features and goals, at the same time becomes involved in the described experience, to some extent shares it and responds to it by changing its own settings depending on the content being comprehended.

      The phenomenon of asceticism is examined in dynamic-functional concepts of personality, where such higher personal formations as hierarchy of motives, direction, value orientations are specifically human: the question of a higher Self containing all the possibilities that a person can in the future reveal in himself and medicine, the defense of the Fatherland, in extreme situations.