Religion, Culture, Orthodoxy

  1. Lemma
  2. Религия, култура, ортодоксалност
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Modes of interaction
  6. 9-1-2019
  7. Пенов, Стефан [Author]. Религия, култура, ортодоксалност
  8. Философски Алтернативи
  9. Psychology of religion - Einstein, Albert - materialism - Jung, Carl - philosophy of religion
    1. Стефан Пенов. “Религия, култура, ортодоксалност “. Философски алтернативи, 2013/2, 134-140.
    1.  The article makes general observations about philosophical and psychological aspects of various world religions. Penov sees religions as an ancient and important phenomenon in development of persons and society.  Referring to Carl Jung’s thought among others, Penov speaks of religion as an existential necessity. The author examines as well the concept of orthodoxy as a straightforward way of following a certain doctrine. Penov argues that orthodox can be not only religion but also culture, science and various ways of thinking. In addition, religious orthodoxy has exerted significant influence upon some of the most prominent scholars and philosophers. In the author's opinion the systemic dialectical philosophy is the only one paradigm that has heuristic power to interpret unity of oppositions such as science and religion. Penov commented as well limitations of modern physics, accepted by a number of scholars, to find material explanations beyond a certain level. Therefore, modern science is looking for answers beyond pure pragmatic materialism.