An overview of some of the new paleo-anthropological discoveries in the context of science and biblical apologetics
- Lemma
- Обзор некоторых новых палеоантропологических открытий в контексте естественнонаучной и библейской апологетики
- Saprykin, Dmitry
- Scientific theories and disciplines
- 2017
- Мумриков, Олег A. [Author]. An overview of some of the new paleo-anthropological discoveries in the context of science and biblical apologetics
- Богословский вестник
- Apologetics
The proposed review is based on a number of publications found at: “”, “”, “Public Library of Science” (PLоS) and other sources. The challenge of Orthodox biblical apologetics is to interpret scientific facts in the framework of the traditional Christian view of the history of mankind. Of course, it is necessary to consider the fundamental difference between the reasons for which a Supernatural revelation was given to us in the form of Scripture, and scientific research in the field of paleoanthropology, archaeology and genetics. However, it is possible and very important to reflect on the meaning of the biblical-theological content in light of the interesting factual material accumulated by the labors of scientists of different directions during the recent years.