Problems of theological interpretation of Hexameron
- Lemma
- Проблемы богословского толкования Шестоднева
- Russian
- Saprykin, Dmitry
- Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Patristic studies - Co-existence
- 2014
- Неклюдов Илья [Author]. Problems of theological interpretation of Hexameron
- Московские Епархиальные ведомости
- Hexameron
The meeting place of two opposing sciences, natural and theological, has always been philosophy. Here the concept of the verbal icon helps to see space in Hexameron for their genuine and fruitful dialogue. The philosophical view on the “sixth-day verbal icon” lingers on the concepts of matter, space and time as they appear to us in the conditions of primordialness. There can be only one conclusion: both matter and space and time in that pre-sinful world created by God were not at all what we know of them now, after the catastrophe of the fall of man. They were different - imperishable. It is impossible to say more precisely, because we do not even have analogies to, for example, talk about the primordial time, in which there was no death and non-existence, which was so similar to eternity, but not eternity ...
We can say with confidence only one thing: our scientific cognition cannot penetrate the conditions of a fundamentally different primordial nature and draw any conclusions about its state in comparison with the state of our world. The holy fathers spoke about this as well, very cautiously touching upon the question of what the world was like before the fall.