Systems Biology between Evolution and Intelligent Design

  1. Lemma
  2. Системната биология между еволюцията и интелигентния дизайн
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 19-12-2018
  7. Димитрова, Теодора [Author]. Системната биология между еволюцията и интелигентния дизайн
  8. Философски Алтернативи
  9. systems biology - Darwinism - neo-Darwinism - Intelligent Design
    1. <p>Theodora Dimitrova. "Системната биология между еволюцията и интелигентния</p> <p>дизайн". Философски алтернативи 2015/2, 70-77.</p>
    1. The article discussed possible intersections between systems biology and Intelligent Design (ID). The author argued systems biology is an emerging discipline aimed at overcoming conceptual difficulties arising from the accumulation experimental data in molecular biology and genetics which do not fit in existing interpretative models and reductionist methodology that dominate the Darwinist/neo-Darwinist biology. Theodora Dimitrova pointed the roots of the systems biology can be traced back to the 1950s, but it has developed in the beginning of the 21st century. It is a discipline that focuses on networks of processes and represents the holistic approach. Meanwhile, in the 1990s was developed the ID theory which examines in critical light the existing naturalism and materialism in biology. According to Theodora Dimitrova, there is a certain overlap between the methodologies of ID and systems biology as they both shift the focus from the mechanistic description to “the design description”. Theodora Dimitrova emphasized in addition the concept of irreducible complexity, and the central role of information for both ID and systems biology. The author commented as well the efforts of evolutionist biologists to integrate evolutionist principles in system biology, and as well looked at suggestions to system biology specialist to integrate in their work some ID interpretative approaches.