Fundamental science and Orthodox Church

  1. Lemma
  2. Фундаментальная наука и Православная Церковь
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy > Science and theology in education, from the Orthodox point of view
  6. 20-03-2007
  7. Бесстремянная,Галина [Author]. Fundamental science and Orthodox Church
  8. Православие.Ru
  9. Theophan the Recluse
    1. The reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences prompted sociologists to study the ideas of various groups of the population about the importance, usefulness and relevance of the work of scientists and officials at various levels to reflect on how much the strengthening of the role of Orthodox Church in the life of Russian society will affect the value system of each specific person and, in particular, on the attitude towards "knowledge workers".

      The Church does not consider scientific work itself dangerous, but a scientific thought, divorced from God, elevated to an absolute, is undoubtedly dangerous and destructive, claims the author. That is why one should not think that the Church calls to abandon the achievements of progress and stop the development in all areas of knowledge. It is only necessary to remember the St. Theophanes warning: “In the image of research, try to begin to consecrate each science studied by you with the light of heavenly wisdom”