Faith and scientific knowledge

  1. Lemma
  2. Вера и естественнонаучное знание
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity
  6. 2012
  7. Воробьев Владимир, протоиерей [Author]. Faith and scientific knowledge
  8. Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета. Серия 1: Богословие. Философия. Религиоведение
  9. History of Science
    1. The modern world needs a serious dialogue between scholars and theologians, which must be initiated with a sincere desire to understand each other and find the truth. The benefits of such a dialogue are obvious: let the testimony that the Church is not a persecutor of science and does not wish to humiliate science or diminish its value, but, on the contrary, highly appreciates its achievements, admires the god-like human genius penetrating the secrets of the Universe, be heard loudly. On the other hand, let the world hear that secular science needs value orientations, which it has been rapidly losing in recent times, breaking the link with its historical, religious and metaphysical roots. History has shown that scientific progress harbors incredible power and is capable of changing the life of the entire globe, making human life and man himself in many ways different.

      In the Church, which assesses the influence of science and education in the modern world better than many other public institutions, we must strive to urgently develop cooperation with scholars and workers of intellectual professions in the general service of good and truth. Actively supporting all the good in domestic science, it is extremely important to promptly warn about the dangers of those areas in the development of scientific research that threaten disastrous consequences for humanity.