Science and religion are two ways of cognition which allow a more comprehensive perception of the world

  1. Lemma
  2. Наука и религия — два способа познания, которые дают возможность более объемного восприятия мира
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction
  6. 13-10-2014
  7. Легойда, Владимир [Author]. Science and religion are two ways of cognition which allow a more comprehensive perception of the world
  8. Православие.Ru
  9. learning
    1. The author's thesis is the following: "I propose to consider science and religion as two ways of cognition of the world that answer different questions. Religion answers the question “for what” - what is the meaning of life, what is death ... Science cannot answer this question, but answers questions “how” and “why” (the world is organized), and therefore there can be no conflict between them".