Two cosmogonies. Evolutionary Theory in the Light of Patristic Doctrine and Creation Science Arguments

  1. Lemma
  2. Две космогонии. Эволюционная теория в свете святоотеческого учения и аргументов креационной науки
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 1999
  7. Алферов Тимофей, священник [Author]. Two cosmogonies. Evolutionary Theory in the Light of Patristic Doctrine and Creation Science Arguments
  8. Две космогонии. Эволюционная теория в свете святоотеческого учения и аргументов креационной науки
  9. Creationism
    1. Two cosmogonies, as the name implies, should convince the reader that the question of the Universe origin and the reason for its present state cannot be described in half-tones: either the World was created by the Lord 7500 years ago practically in its present form (only some "decay" is allowed over time), and only this is the true Orthodox point of view; or the World has come to its present state as a result of a long evolution under the influence of natural laws, and this point of view does not correspond to the Scripture, no matter what good words are spoken at the same time (for example: "God created the World and provided him with further development according to the laws, He also created", etc.). So, it is proposed to consider two equally cosmogonies - academic and biblical.