Dictionary of Orthodox theology and science

  1. Lemma
  2. Dictionar de teologie ortodoxa si stiinta
  3. Romanian
  4. Lemeni, Nicolae Adrian - Ionescu, Razvan Andrei
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy - Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning
  6. 2016
  7. Dictionar de teologie ortodoxa si stiinta - Iasi: Doxologia, 2016.
  8. language - vocabulary - Neopatristic movement - Fathers of the Church - dialogue between science and Orthodoxy - interdisciplinary dialogue - concepts of science - terms and concepts of Soul
    1. The dictionary was primarily intended as a working instrument. It aims to familiarize the reader with the concepts and fundamental terms belonging on the one hand to the postmodern scientific language, and on the other, to the contemporary Orthodox theological language – in a deliberately neopatristic and philocalistic approach - and, last but not least, with the terms belonging to the language of the current dialogue between theology and sciences. This dialogue engendered, through its continuous evolution, conceptual instruments that are absolutely indispensable for those who venture into the border area between the two fields of knowledge. This work has an encyclopedic character in that it offers the explanation of each term in part with bibliographic references, observations, and references to related terms whose reading extends the notional horizon. Likewise, it is intended to be "neopatristic" and "philocalic" in that it proposes a theological approach with frequent references to the words of the Fathers (mainly, but not limited to, contemporary Fathers). The underlying idea is that through their life experience in the context of the troubles of the world today, they share a living word structured in response to the needs of man's salvation today. Finally, to some extent, the work is also a "vocabulary", although it lacks a programmatic tendency towards exhaustiveness as far as the presentation of terms is concerned; nevertheless, it suggests a possible basic fund - conceptual instruments necessary to study the relationship between Orthodox theology and science.