The Christian Hospital. Introduction to pastoral medicine.

  1. Lemma
  2. Spitalul crestin. Introducere in medicina pastorala
  3. Romanian
  4. Chirila, Pavel - Valica, Mihai
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Orthodox Anthropology - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Biblical interpretation - Ethics - Orthodox theological tradition and practice
  6. The Christian Hospital. Introduction to pastoral medicine. - Bucharest: Christiana, 2009.
  7. disease - soul and body - salvation as healing - medical clinics - pseudo-medicine
    1. The concept of Christian medicine has a specific system of principles and values. These involve both specific methods of healing and some methods in common with lay medicine. Christian doctors naturally acquire the tenets underlying Christian medicine. For them, it is unacceptable and even sinful to practice a number of medical records, which are considered quite “normal” from the perspective of the official medicine, such as abortion, family planning, embryo experiences, euthanasia etc. The Christian Hospital is an institution that applies the tenets of Christian medicine. Here, doctors are not insensitive to the evolution of the soul of the patient; in fact, this is the very centre of gravity that measures the efficiency of the care system. The Christian hospital has at its center the altar, around which doctors, priests and sick people discover the meaning of suffering and life in Christ. The assistance offered within the Christian Hospital is closely – even axiomatically – linked to the chances of salvation. While the body can be healed or not, the soul can always be healed.