Psychology in the Scriptures

  1. Lemma
  2. Psihologia in textele Sfintei Scripturi
  3. Romanian
  4. Chirila, Pavel - Munteanu, Teofan
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Orthodox Anthropology - Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis - Orthodox theological tradition and practice
  6. 2012
  7. Psychology in the Scriptures - Bucharest: Christiana, 2012.
  8. christian psychology - Bible - therapy - prayer - disease - treatment of disease - Christian faith
    1. The authors understood that the Scripture is a spiritual medicine book that tells us about the spiritual healing of man; they selected therefore many verses that speak of spiritual health, spiritual diseases, and the method by which man can be healed. It is not enough simply to read these scriptural passages; one has to look for a spiritual doctor in the Church – as a special kind of spiritual hospital - to find healing, through the Holy Mysteries, through faith and through prayer. This does not mean that all diseases and bodily disabilities will be healed. In the Church, man finds spiritual healing, acquires faith and love, overcomes worries and imaginations, acquires inner peace, gets closer to God, and becomes no longer afraid of death. If there are still any neuropsychiatric weaknesses left, the appropriate medical experts can also be important, when they carry out their work with love, professionalism, as well as respect to each person's spiritual needs and religious beliefs. The book includes the following chapters: Pleading for an orthodox psychotherapy; Orthodox teachings; Christian anthropology - Biblical foundations. Psychic processes mentioned in the Scripture. Psychopathology. Etiopathogeny. Lifestyle – the real prophylaxis. The therapy. Principles of the orthodox psychotherapy. Talking with the sick. Psychic process in the extreme cases.