Theology and bioethics

  1. Lemma
  2. Teologie şi bioetică
  3. Romanian
  4. Stan, George
  5. Ethics - Orthodox Anthropology - Orthodox theological tradition and practice
  6. 2017
  7. Theology and bioethics - Galati: Cartea Ortodoxa, 2017.
  8. bioethics - morality - spirituality
    1. The book was published with the blessing of His Eminence Galaction, Bishop of Alexandria and Teleorman. It was well received by critics. In particular, the influential theologian Fr. Prof. Dumitru Popescu recognized the original character of the book, due to the author's comprehensive medical and spiritual training and culture, as well as to the thoroughness of his approach. This work is a personal response of the author to some of the problems that man has to tackle in contemporary society. This response comes with a sound theological support. To regulate the new medical practices we need ethical decisions coming from competent forums. The peculiarity of the present work is that these practices are interpreted not only from the perspective of an ethics that remains external to the human being, but through the Orthodox spirituality, which has deep roots in the human being. This is the fundamental moral criterion that underlies the conclusions reached in this volume. That is the reason why Dumitru Popescu highly recommends it to those who seek guidance in the labyrinth of genetic, biological and ethical issues that have come up as a result of the frenetic course of contemporary scientific and technical progress.