Homeopathy. Science? Faith? Medicine? Magic?

  1. Lemma
  2. Homeopatia. Știință? Credință? Medicină? Magie?
  3. Romanian
  4. Iftime, Alexandru - Iftime, Oana
  5. Natural and the supernatural > Magic - Natural and the supernatural > Miracles - Natural and the supernatural > Pseudoscience - Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Orthodox theological tradition and practice
  6. 2014
  7. Homeopathy. Science? Faith? Medicine? Magic? - Bucharest: Evanghelismos, 2014.
  8. homeopathy - magic - allopathic medicine - pseudo-medicine - correlation of faith and knowledge
    1. The subject of "alternative" therapies has been a concern for many years with the Orthodox Church and especially the Church of Greece. On the initiative of Synodal Commissions for Heresies, Pan-Orthodox Conferences have been convened, which have thoroughly looked into the "alternative" therapies, including homeopathy. All these conferences have agreed on the incompatibility between these alternative therapies and the faith of the Church. Dimitrios Tseleghidis (Professor of Dogmatics, Faculty of Theology, "Aristotle" University of Thessaloniki) Konstantinos G.Karakatsanis (Professor of Nuclear Medicine Faculty of Medicine, "Aristotle" University of Thessaloniki) Initially, this book was thought only as a summary of the volume of Homeopathy - A Scientific and Spiritual Analysis (Lucman Publishing House, 2013). The book, written in accessible language, was completed with a chapter analyzing the position of Russian saints on homeopathy. Although this is a particularly controversial issue, the positions expressed in this book are crystal-clear.