relationship between religion and science and the contemplation

  1. Lemma
  2. მეცნიერება და რელიგიის ურთიერთმიმართება, ჭვრეტა თეოლოგი ზურაბ ეკალაძე
  3. English
  4. Pataridze, Tamara
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. youtube
  7. Zurab Ekaladze
  8. Click Here
    1. According to theologian Zurab Ekaladze, thanks to his religious spirit, the human being is able to establish the link with God. All religious leaders (Christians or not) are pointing out the existence of ecstasy - the super-natural state of mind. This state is the highest level of the contemplation. The prophets are inspired by this and they confess to be guided not by their own ideas but by the contemplation and inspiration. They only see themselves as recipients of God’s voice.

      The science is not such a strong tool as it seems to be. Thanks to the technical progress we are impressed by science; However, the humans are mistaken to consider the science and the technological development as a key for reaching their goals. Indeed, this correlation was criticised by several thinkers, such as Michelangelo Antonioni who was complaining that despite of the technological development, the human’s ethic remained in the stage of the stone age.

      There also is the question, how strongly we can trust to the science. Julius Robert Oppenheimer,  American theoretical physicist claims that science can’t depict the objective picture of universe. Werner Karl Heisenberg says from his part that the potentials of science are restricted. Indeed, observing universe we depend on the tools used for its observation. This leads to the intermediary (not direct) perception of observed things.

      To show the limits of the science, we should stay aware that according to the scientific methodology, if something is proved by experience and practice, it should be considered as truth. Nevertheless, many of these experimentally proved opinions turn out later to be wrong or to be reliable only partly.

      It should be also noticed that there are several scientists, who, at the same time are also religiously engaged people. This was the case of Copernic, Gregor Mendel and others.