The Place of the Other - Orthodoxy in Modern times.

  1. Lemma
  2. Locul celuilalt - Ortodoxia in modernitate
  3. Romanian
  4. Banica, Mirel
  5. Conflict - Modes of interaction - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Cult and spirituality - Ecumenism and dialogue
  6. 2007
  7. The Place of the Other - Orthodoxy in Modern times. - Bucharest: Paideia, 2007.
  8. mass societies - church and technology - secularization - Romanian Orthodox Church
    1. Apparently, this is a hybrid book, with articles ranging from the analysis of secularization to Orthodox book reviews; overall, it appears to be a coherent attempt to better understand what is going on in society, particularly as far as the Romanian Orthodox Church is concerned - the national church - which has violently interacted with the post-ultra-modern times in which we live. This is a process that keeps showing every day its unpredictable effects. The title of the book paraphrases another well-known work by the Jesuit scholar Michel de Certeau (1925-1986), i.e. Le lieu de l'autre: histoire religieuse et mistique, published by Gallimard and Seuil in 2005. Just like in the West, the Romanian Orthodox Church tends to become the other, to incarnate the difference in the eyes of the population, as the traditional framework in which the faith was passed down from generation to generation has been destroyed. According to the author, each satellite television aerial in the Romanian villages means a regular churchgoer less in the future; the author deliberately avoids the term “faithful”, which in this case would be less accurate.