Meaningful chats. Interviews published in "Ziarul Lumina" of the Romanian Patriarchate

  1. Lemma
  2. Taifasuri cu talc - Interviuri de colectie publicate in ziarul Lumina
  3. Romanian
  4. Balinisteanu, Otilia
  5. Ethics - Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology - Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Scientific theories and disciplines > Mathematics - Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis
  6. 2014
  7. Meaningful chats. Interviews published in "Ziarul Lumina" of the Romanian Patriarchate - Bucharest: Trinitas, 2014.
  8. Biology - psychiatry and Christianity - bioethics - Mathematics - medicine
    1. The title of the volume, quite difficult to translate in English, means something like Witty banter, or Meaningful chats. It brings together a small part of the interviews that the author published in the Lumina newspaper, since its inception, nine years before. The selection of the interviews is meaningful in itself. It includes 16 interviews, published between 2006 and 2013, a particularly intense and fruitful stage in the life of the newspaper. The 16 interviewees (doctors, ethnologists, academics, publicists, university professors, journalists, exploiters, priests) have one thing in common: they have brought a significant contribution to the cultural and scientific life of the last century. The volume is divided into six sections and includes interviews with outstanding personalities, each of them among the most remarkable in their own field: prof. Constantin Romanescu, a famous physician and professor of psychiatry; prof. univ. Dr. Gioconda Dobrescu, one of Romania's best anatomopathologists; Acad. Viorel Barbu, a renowned Romanian mathematician; Acad. Valeriu D. Cotea, the most titled oenologist in our country, who for many years was the president of the International Office of Vine and Wine; ethnologist Emilia Pavel, who placed Moldova on the map of Romanian ethnography; prof. univ. Daniel Condurache, editor of "Student Opinion"; journalist Marius Cristian; conf. univ. Dr. Vitalie Ojovan, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Bioethics of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chisinau; Bessarabian journalist Vlad Pohila; explorer Uca Marinescu; prof. univ. Dr. Boris Păhteanu, director of the National Institute of Inventions; writer Ion Mitican; prof. univ. Dr. Constantin Milica, a specialist in Plant Physiology and Phytotherapy; director Natalia Danaila, the creator of the puppet theater in Iasi; journalist Grigore Ilisei; Fr Ion Cârciuleanu, a remarkable spiritual father and scholar of Iaşi.