The Science and Religion

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  3. English
  4. Pataridze, Tamara
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  6. Tamaz Batsikadze, Dr. of Technical Sciences - Alexe Gerasimov, Dr. of Physics and Mathematics - Teimuras Lejava, Genetics doctor
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    1. Tamaz Batsikadze, Dr. of Technical Sciences

      Alexe Gerasimov, Dr. of Physics and Mathematics

      Teimuras Lejava, Genetics doctor

      The discussion starts with the analysis of the relation between science and religion. Was there the contradiction between the science and religion?

      Alexe:In the past the scientific knowledge was developed in the monastic centres. Nevertheless, starting from 17thcentury, another methodology, namely, the experimentation and measurement have been used. This have generated the ideas about incompatibility of the Biblical “simple” teaching with the results of the scientific research. Darwin’s theory of evolution was interpreted in the way which was digging the depth between the science and religion. To say that the life appeared on its own, is the same as to pretend that there was a big bang in the typography and this gave birth to the dictionary.  

      Tamaz: There were the periods when the religion and science have been considered to be close to each other and the periods when they were told to be contradictory. The distance between these two was big especially during the Renaissance. Nowadays, the science and religion became as close as possible. Indeed, because of the research in the quantum physics we see that the matter is the wave and the field. The modern definition of the matter is wider than it was before, namely, since matter is defined now as an objective reality around us.  

      Teimuraz: Genetics are close to the religion.

      Alexe: In the universe there are some precise laws. To modify them even slightly will cause the disappearance of life itself. This leads to the conclusion that there is a regulating power maintaining the needed balance and guaranteeing conditions which are necessary for life.

      Tamaz: We are told that the religion is based on the dogma. This is the same for science, based on unproved considerations cold axioms, laws, or principles.

      These researches argue that science is a conservative discipline. Indeed, when the accepted theories are proven to be wrong, science becomes resistant and tries to avoid the evidence. Otherwise, the Creationist date of the birth of the Universe is different of what we found approved by science. Nevertheless, we should stay aware of the fact that there is no definition of the time in physics.  The time is by its own created by the Creator.