Divine metric of the universe. A word about space and time

  1. Lemma
  2. Божественная метрика Вселенной. Слово о пространстве и времени
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Natural and the supernatural > Pseudoscience
  6. 2007
  7. Петренко Олег [Author]. Divine metric of the universe. A word about space and time
  8. Божественная метрика Вселенной. Слово о пространстве и времени : Divine metric of the universe. A word about space and time
  9. Creationism
    1. http://www.taday.ru/text/156977.html
    1. The world around us, its visible beauty and harmony can be represented in the form of simple and elegant physical laws. Their discovery and understanding leads to the ultimate goal of all true scientific knowledge, which is to establish faith and glorify the Almighty Creator. The physical laws of nature follow directly from mathematical or, more precisely, geometric symmetries. Thus, the book about the device of the universe is written in the language of mathematics. The Holy Fathers have repeatedly testified that the greatness and wisdom of the Creator is revealed in a visible way through the knowledge of the created world. The achievements of the fundamental sciences show that it is through mathematical and geometric representations that this happens in the most complete way. The star of the scientific search is the Holy Scripture, which asserts about the almost instantaneous creation of the entire visible world in six earthly days.