Religion and science: history and modernity

  1. Lemma
  2. Религия и наука: история и современность
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity
  6. 2000
  7. Barbour Ian [Author]. Religion and science: history and modernity
  8. Религия и наука: история и современность : Religion and science: history and modernity
  9. faith and knowledge
    1. The book of a leading American scientist covers the main problems of understanding religion in the age of science, including the use of "scientific method" in the study of religious issues; "a new view of nature", where the doctrine of creation and scientific theories do not contradict, but complement each other and enter into dialogue; "theology in a new context"; religious pluralism in the age of globalization and the theme "theology and environment". The author cites historical materials revealing ideas about physics and metaphysics in the seventeenth century, the nature of God in the eighteenth century, and the relationship of biology and theology in the nineteenth century.