
  1. Lemma
  2. София-Логос
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Culture and national identities
  6. 2006
  7. Аверинцев Сергей [Author]. Sophia-Logos. Dictionary
  8. София-Логос. Словарь. : Sophia-Logos. Dictionary
  9. science-wisdom
    1. The fundamental works of the book open new horizons for thinking about Wisdom in the context of wars and catastrophes of the twentieth century, one of the most "anti-Sophian" in world history. Contrary to the chaos in the heads and textbooks, the book by Averintsev reminds of the unshakable scale of values, of the “Unbreakable Wall” - Oranta. Here, the teacher and the student are presented with all three meanings of the word SOFIA: skill - knowledge - wisdom.