O hermeneutică transdisciplinară a Evangheliei după Toma (A transdisciplinary hermeneutics of the Gospel according to Thomas)

  1. Book
  2. Book
    1. Grigorean, Mihaela
  3. 352 pages, 13 x 20 cm
  4. 978-606-588-477-9
  5. In this volume, Mihaela Grigorean deals with a cutting-edge topic for those interested in the dialogue between science and spirituality, namely spiritual information. The author takes the Gospel according to Thomas as a case study. She analyzes a difficult and complex text, blending Christian, pre-Christian and non-Christian elements. Mihaela Grigorean cleverly avoids the slippery slope of a strictly theological approach, in favour of a hermeneutic reading. The language is both poetic and rigorous, a relatively rare achievement, which is attractive for a wider audience. The present book follows a new direction, increasingly visible in the Romanian culture of the last decade - that of the transdisciplinary hermeneutics, which opens a horizon of universality, transcending the provincialism of the disciplinary debates. (Basarab Nicolescu)
  6. transdisciplinarity - Hermeneutics