Grigorean, Mihaela

  1. Person
  2. 1979
  3. Turt (Satu Mare County)
  4. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters of the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, a Romanian language and literature teacher at Negreşti-Oaş Theoretical High School and a PhD in philosophy (transdisciplinary studies) from the same university, with a work on a transdisciplinary hermeneutics of the Gospel according to Thomas, supervised by Basarab Nicolescu. She undertook postdoctoral research in Science Communication, on Simone Weil’s work, at the Faculty of Philosophy - the Philosophy-Christianity-Society Laboratory of the Catholic University of Lyon (France). She published over twenty studies and articles focusing on the transdisciplinary methodology in national and international prestigious scientific journals or collective volumes and took part in various conferences in Romania and abroad. Among her works it is worth mentioning André Scrima, visionnaire du transreligieux, in Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion, 6/2009 , and The Transdisciplinary Attitude as Way to the Dialogue between Cultures in Transdisciplinary Studies - Sciences, Spirituality, Society, 3/2012. She is editor-in-chief of the Miradoniz magazine, scientific consultant in the International Board Advisory, Edward Lumen, member of international scientific organizations: Theorias – Réseau international de chercheurs pour la Théorisation Transdisciplinaire de la Spiritualité (Luxembourg), Association pour l’étude de la pensée de Simone Weil (Paris), Association Présence de Gabriel Marcel (Lyon) and the scientific committee of the International Conference Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty (Iaşi, 2014).