Philosophical Problems of Religion

  1. Lemma
  2. Философски проблеми на религията
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Complementarity
  6. 25-11-2018
  7. Димитрова, Нина [Author]. Философски проблеми на религията
  8. Критика и хуманизъм (Critique and Humanism Journal)
  9. Christian philosophy - philosophy of religion - Панчовски, Иван - Сапунджиев, Лука - Митрополит Стефан I - Саръилиев, Иван
    1. Нина Димитрова (2009). “Философски проблеми на религията”. Критика и хуманизъм 28, 253-285.
    1. The article examines problems of the philosophy of religion in the Bulgarian context in the 20th century. In the focus are problems like the essence of God, and the interplay between religion, science and philosophy. In the first part of the article were examined works from the first half of the 20th century. The analysis showed a variety of views but the consensus among Bulgarian thinkers was for harmonious relations and complementarity between science and religion. Such is the view of authors like Ivan Panchovski, Luka Sapundziev, Metropolitan Stefan I and Dimitar Penov. Philosopher Ivan Sarailiev  published a series of works advocating rapprochement between science and religion. Sarailiev entered heated polemic with Dimitar Mihalchev who criticised his idea for harmonic relations between science and religion. During the communist regime (1944 – 1989) problems related with religion could be treated only by theologians, while the philosophy of religion became “scientific atheism”, with a special such discipline being created. The last part of the article looked at the contemporary trends in philosophy of religion, a period marked by return to pluralism of interpretation and publications of many works on Christian philosophy. Nina Dimitrova stressed as well the distinction between philosophy of religion and religious philosophy because the difference has been blurred in some works.