Jeffrey Bishop

  1. Person
  2. 1967
  3. Texas, USA
  4. Male
  5. Dr. Jeffrey P. Bishop is a social and moral philosopher, teaching medical ethics and philosophy at Saint Louis University. He is also a physician and a member of All Saints of North America Orthodox Church in St Louis, Missouri. He is the author of ''The Anticipatory Corpse: Medicine, Power, and the Care of the Dying'' (Notre Dame Press) - a philosophical history of the Care of the dying, from ICU care to palliative care- , as well as various articles, including “Biopolitics, Terri Schiavo, and the Sovereign Subject of Death” (Journal of Medicine and Philosophy), “Framing Euthanasia” (Journal of Medical Ethics), “Mind-Body Unity: Gregory of Nyssa and a Surprising Fourth Century C.E. Perspective” (Perspectives in Biology and Medicine).He serves on the editorial boards of both the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy and the Journal of Christian Bioethics for Oxford University Press.
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