Шесто́в, Лев Исаа́кович

  1. Person
  2. Shestov, Lev (en)
  3. 12 February 1866
  4. 19 November 1938
  5. Kiev
  6. Paris
  7. Male
    1. Lev Shestov (Лев Исаа́кович Шесто́в) a Russian philosopher of existential and Orthodox sensibility. He was known for „philosophy of despair“. He found inspiration in the philosophy of Nietzche and Dostoevsky.

      He undertook a critique of Western philosophy which he saw as rational and secular and opposed it to faith and religious.

      Shestov was highly admired and honored by Berdyaev and Sergei Bulgakov in Russia.

  8. 24/11/2018