Ancient Geometry and Orthodoxy

  1. Lemma
  2. Anticka geometrija i pravoslavlje
  3. Serbian
  4. The Letter of Renaissance: Ancient Geometry in the Medieval Serbian Creativity (en)
  5. Stevanovic, Aleksandra
  6. Orthodox Anthropology - Co-existence
  7. 22-11-2018
  8. Milosavljević, Predrag [Author]. The Letter of Renaissance: Ancient Geometry in the Medieval Serbian Creativity
  9. The Letter of Renaissance: Ancient Geometry in the Medieval Serbian Creativity - Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 2018.
    1. Matica srpska
  10. ancient world - geometry - Orthodox anthropology
    1. The Letter of Renaissance: Ancient Geometry in the Medieval Serbian Creativity presents the ancient knowledge of the Serbian medieval creativity canon. It reveals the unknown relation of the ancient culture and the “old world”, demonstrating how Serbian canon did not lean on the Byzantium, as supposed, but that knowledge was enrooted in the period much earlier. Therefore, the results expose a very significant role of the ancient geometry in medieval Serbia.

      This geometry was used primarily in the building of Serbian Orthodox Monasteries which express the sublimity of geometrical patterns and structural solutions, testifying to the very high level of consciousness of science, mathematics, that is, geometry among the Serbian Orthodox world. That also shows a philosophical approach to the world: synthesis of the philosophy of nature and ancient knowledges such as geometry.  

      This ancient knowledge further fostered the development of science and aesthetics not only in the Serbian Orthodox Creativity, but also in the entire medieval country. Therefore, the author accentuated that the preservation of Serbian medieval legacy is very important and suggested that this preservation demands a multidisciplinary approach so as to acquire a holistic preview of the way of protection of this ancient knowledge.

      This further shows how in Serbian medieval context, science and Orthodoxy had deep relations that were fruitfully interrelated so as to achieve the sublimity in the Church architecture and nurture the legacy of the ancient creativity canon.