Spiritual crisis

  1. Lemma
  2. Духовната криза
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Status of theology
  6. 2011
  7. Касиан, архимандрит [Author]. Spiritual Crisis
  8. Духовната криза - Жабляно: Монастир Св. Йоан Предтеча, 2011.
  9. Christian science - Newton, Isaac (1643-1727) - spiritual crisis
    1. The book aims at addressing a number of the current problems in society by unveiling the underlying spiritual problems. According to the author, the world today is shaken by “cataclysms” in various spheres – politics, ideology, science, and ethics. The period in human history after Jesus Christ is depicted as flourishing of the Church with all positive consequences, including in science, arts, music and etc. The author depicts this era as blossoming of spirituality and all values – the entire heritage of civilization. In the modern time, the advance of the Renaissance practically meant the return of values of the pagan world. The last representatives of the “pure science” are from the time of Isaac Newton, according to the author. The idea that there is no God emerged with the advance of the evolution theory, putting an end of the pure scientific thought. Moreover, this divided scientific community. According to data which is cited by the author nowadays around 50% of the scientists worldwide are religious, a “paradox” in his view.