Intelligent Design: What It Is and Is Not, and How Common Unprofessionalism Brings Shame upon Our Philosophy (and Science)

  1. Lemma
  2. Интелигентният дизайн: какво той е и какво не е и как обикновен непрофесионализъм компрометира родната философия (и наука)
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 19-11-2016
  7. Гурова, Лилия [Author]. Intelligent Design: What It Is and Is Not, and How Common Unprofessionalism Brings Shame upon Our Philosophy (and Science)
  8. Философски Алтернативи
  9. Creationism - Evolution - Intelligent Design
    1. Lilia Gurova (2016). “Интелигентният дизайн: какво той е и какво не е и как обикновен непрофесионализъм компрометира родната философия (и наука)”, In: Философски алтернативи 2016/4, 115-125.
    1. The author discussed aspects of the Intelligent Design (ID) movement, arguing that it has unscientific nature. Gurova in particular responded in this article to a previous publication of the same journal, taking a very critical stance toward the ID (the commented article is “On the Top Ten Scientific Problems of Biological and Chemical Evolution” by Theodora Dimitrova, Philosophical Alternatives 2016/1). Following an overview of the history and goals of the ID movement (with a focus on the Discovery Institute), its links with creationism and comments on the reception of the ID in Bulgaria. Gurova argued that Dimitrova’s article follows arguments of ID with no critical discussion thereupon (namely the arguments of Casey Luskin against the evolutionary explanations of the origins of life). Gurova claimed the examined work of Dimitrova shows apologetic attitude towards one straightforward anti-scientific doctrine or religious believe pretending to apply scientific methods such as the ID. In her opinion such shortcomings might result from ignorance or from unscholarly bias towards the evolutionary theory.