Philosophy, religion and science as spiritual visions for the world and man

  1. Lemma
  2. Философията, религията и науката като духовни визии за света и човека
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Complementarity
  6. 19-11-2018
  7. Пенов, Стефан [Author]. Philosophy, religion and science as spiritual visions for the world and man.
  8. Религия, ценности, ортодоксалност: религията и науката в 21 век - Sofia: Пропелер, 2014.
  9. truth - Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
    1. Стефан Пенов (2014). Философията, религията и науката като духовни визии за света и човека. In: Религия, ценности, ортодоксалност: религията и науката в 21 век. 13 – 30.
    1. The author’s main thesis is that religion and science represent an existential requirement of the human spirit. Science and religion have different fields of application – they deal with the same objective reality from a different point of view. So, they complement each other, the author stated. The article tries to answer the question why contradictions occurred and how they could be restored in the original unity. Penov referred to Hegel’s standpoint that philosophy and religion have the same object, namely the truth. Furthermore, both religion and science are engaged with matter regarding nature and human spirit. The apologists of religion depart from several views: analytical, synthetic, conservative and conceptual. Science and religion are contradictory only in the minds of pragmatists, atheists or naive realists. Religion and science can relate with each other like the religious and the secular realm, Church and state, soul and body, according to Penov.