What is the attitude of Christianity to evolution?

  1. Lemma
  2. Какво е отношението на християнството към еволюцията?
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 11-11-2018
  7. Стефанов, Стефан [Author]. What is the attitude of Christianity to evolution?
  8. pravoslavie.bg
  9. Evolution
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    1. Answering a reader’s question about the Christian position to evolution, presbyter Stefanov emphasised that nowadays this is not a theory but rather a doctrine. People learn this doctrine from first years at school with no other points of view being admitted. Christian faith is neither based on the theory of evolution nor on its denial. The weakest point in the evolutionist view is that it attributes to the blind chance much more “divine” qualities, and thus evolution demands much more faith than religion. In addition, certain aspects contradict with other branches of science, according to presbyter Stefanov. His advice is to seek God more with heart, not so much with reason, adding at the same time the Christian position should not deny reason, but reason should not absolutized either. According to Stefenov the contemporary enlightened Orthodox Christianity accepts the true and meaningful ideas related with evolution.