The Church mulls over issuing position to promote organ transplantation

  1. Lemma
  2. Църквата обмисля позиция за насърчаване на донорството
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine
  6. 11-11-2018
  7. Савкова, Мария [Author]. The Church mulls over issuing position to promote organ transplantation
  8. bTV
  9. organ transplantation - Bulgarian Orthodox Church
  10. Click Here
    1. The report informed about plans of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC) to issue a special position that would encourage people to donate organs under certain conditions, and thus improving the current crisis with organ transplantation due to serious shortage of donors. The news follows a meeting of Healthcare Minister Ananiev with patriarch Neophyte of Bulgaria. The report showed video  from the hospital chapel, saying this is a place where science and faith intersect as hundreds of grave sufferers have had a second chance to live with organ transplants, while probably praying to God at the same time.  A person who had undergone such intervention argued that the role of the Church is very important as many believe that religion prohibits organ transplantations. The report also cited previous position of BOC where it was stated that the desire to extend the boundaries of earthly life is blessed by the Orthodox Church as this can be an opportunity for repentance, good works and spiritual development. Deyan Petrov, the priest serving at this chapel, underlined that the Church treats donation as an act of love for the neighbour. If love says us so and if we have the agreement of the relatives, the most natural thing is to continue a person’s life in case the medicine allows it, according to priest Petrov.