Ontology of the soul as an energy-informational relationship
- Lemma
- К вопросу об онтологии души как энергоинформационных взаимоотношениях
- Russian
- Saprykin, Dmitry
- Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis
- 2013
- Шеховцева Лариса Филипповна [Author]. To the ontology of the soul as an energy-informational relationship
- Альманах "Метапарадигма"
- soul - body
According to the author, in science there is the idea that thought is the result of anti-entropic brain activity. The work on the thermodynamics of thought processes N. I. Kobozev published in 1971. Thus, it can be considered thinking as a type of mental activity, that is one of the types of mental energy. If the Thought of God is the Energy of God, then the thought of man, perhaps, by analogy, there is human energy, that is, psychic.