Failure of humanism

  1. Lemma
  2. Крах гуманизма
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. History and philosophy of science
  6. 2002
  7. Перевезенцев Сергей Вячеславович [Author]. Failure of humanism
  8. Подъем
  9. humanism
    1. From the author's point of view, during the Renaissance, a culture of humanism was born, namely opposite to traditional Christian culture. According to the humanists, science should have become a foundation of new religion . To this end, humanists pay attention to mysterious ways of knowing - magic and mysticism in which they saw the most important means of comprehending Divine truths.

      At a broad sense, writes Perevezentsev, humanism as a religious philosophy - is, first of all, an instrument for the destruction of traditional societies and traditional religions, and, secondly, methodological (religiously - philosophical) basis for creating a real “civil society "(capitalist), or the ideal society universal justice (communist).

      What is the danger of this philosophy? Methodologically, it presupposes  a philosophy of “chosen fraternity” which implies simplification, unification of the world and the elimination of its complexity. It is not for nothing that the commonly used “mass culture” and the commonly used “mass liberal economy” are being imposed on humanity, which lead to the destruction of the multicolor of national cultures and economic structures. From a philosophical point of view, any simplification is a movement towards non-existence, for the simplest system  it is “nothing,” “non-being,” in which nothing exists. Therefore, the philosophy of the “chosen fraternity” leads to the destruction (physical) of the majority of mankind in the interests of the “brothers in Satan. "

      But there is another way for the possible future development of mankind, explains the author, - the revival of traditional ideals, traditional values, traditional religions, relying on national interests of the people of the world. This way has found its methodological substantiation in philosophical studies, the collective name of which is the concept of "conservatism" and whether "Philosophy of conservatism" . The philosophy of conservatism implies the preservation and development of the world, as a "blooming complexity". Moreover, philosophy of conservatism implies the need to increase the complexity of the world, for only complex systems are not capable hundred to survive and adapt to new living conditions, but to self-reproduction and development. The philosophy of conservatism also has a very long tradition, including  Russia. In particular, Russian thinkers of the conservative direction offered original and seemingly promising responses to many issues now facing humanity.