Creation as a problem of the beginning: the dialogue of theologians and cosmologists in the XX-XXI centuries.

  1. Lemma
  2. Творение как проблема начала: диалог богословов и космологов в ХХ-ХХI вв.
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Co-existence
  6. 2016
  7. Мумриков, Олег A. [Author]. Creation as a problem of the beginning: the dialogue of theologians and cosmologists in the XX-XXI centuries.
  8. Московские Епархиальные ведомости
  9. ex nihilo creation
    1. Cosmology, built in the framework of the Big Bang theory, in the second half of the twentieth century was greeted with great optimism by many theologians. The very fact of discovery of the “beginning of the Universe”  created a fertile ground for dialogue with representatives of the natural sciences. There appeared many models of "astrophysical" reading of Hexameron. Thus, the development of cosmological concepts of the “beginning of the Universe” inevitably gives rise to a whole series of “extreme questions” arising in the field of science, but solved in the field of theology.