Natural science apologetics as a holistic discipline: a general overview

  1. Lemma
  2. Естественно-научная апологетика как целостная дисциплина: общий обзор
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. History and philosophy of science
  6. 2009
  7. Мумриков, Олег A. [Author]. Natural science apologetics as a holistic discipline: a general overview
  8. Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета. Серия 4: Педагогика. Психология.
  9. Apologetics
    1. Currently, many teachers of natural science and cultural studies disciplines have resorted to apologetics as the most important component of the Christian witness in schools and universities. At the same time, a holistic, not fragmentary, vision of this trend is important. The proposed article attempts to give a brief overview of the tasks, methodology, history and the current state of natural science apologetics, as well as the list of the main sources that may be useful to teachers and students.