The emergence of the world and man. Experience of matchning the Biblical narration with scientific discoveries.

  1. Lemma
  2. Возникновение мира и человека.Опыт согласования Библейского повествования с научными открытиями.
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity
  6. 2003
  7. Милеант Александр, Епископ [Author]. The emergence of the world and man. Experience of matchning the Biblical narration with scientific discoveries
  9. evolutionism - Creationism
    1. booklets/russian/creation_man_a_mileant.htm
    1. In this work, the author showed that there are no fundamental contradictions between the Holy Scriptures and the scientific discoveries regarding the origin of the world and man. For greater clarity of religious truths, the prophet Moses sometimes resorts to the language of symbols and images — a fact that should be considered when trying to reconcile the teachings of the Bible with scientific discoveries.

      Science, penetrating into the structure of the world, discovers new patterns that, in their totality, testify to the great wisdom of the Creator. However, there is a danger in the immense sea of details to lose the overall picture and, as they say, “because of the pines you will not notice the forest.” In order to avoid such a myopia, it is necessary to learn to perceive the phenomena with your spiritual eyes, with faith that will help you see the unified plan of the wise Architect in the vast sea of information, says Father Alexander.