Problems of teaching biblical creationism at schools

  1. Lemma
  2. Проблематика на преподаването на библейски креационизъм в училищата
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution - Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. Александров, Светослав [Author]. Проблематика на преподаването на библейски креационизъм в училищата
  7. International scientific on-line journal SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGIES
  8. Evolution - Creationism - Bulgarian educational system
  9. Click Here
    1. The author pointed out that the theory of evolution constitutes an integral part of biology classes in Bulgarian schools. Biblical creationism, the commonly held belief that the Earth and all living organisms were created by God in six days (and the age of the Earth is 6000 years), has gained popularity in various countries, most notably in the United States. In Bulgaria, current debates are not on teaching creationism at schools but on the possible introduction of classes on the Eastern Orthodoxy dogma (verouchenie, вероучение). However, if such classes are to be introduced teaching creationist ideas should not be ruled out.  Alexandrov critically examined two main creationist postulates: on the age of the Earth and on macroevolution. As they are not based on empirical observations and data, biblical creationism should be regarded as pseudoscience and should not be taught in school biology courses, according to the author. At the same time, teaching “religious ideals” in secular schools could be acceptable as a compromise with religious people.