Protestant ethics and issues of modern biomedicine: critical analysis

  1. Lemma
  2. Протестантская этика и вопросы современной биомедицины: опыт критического анализа
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology - Ecumenism and dialogue > Dialogue between religions
  6. 23-07-2018
  7. Агафангел, игумен (Гагуа) [Author]. Protestant ethics and issues of modern biomedicine: critical analysis
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. Cloning - transplantations
    1. Trough a conceptual manner, the author attempts to characterize the origins of Protestant ethical teachings on the development of biomedicine. He comes to the conclusion, that this doctrine is very contradictory and diverse because it lacks fundamental foundations of Christian morality, which is replaced by an ersatz of moral values and an abstract scheme of narrow-rationalistic morality.

      He notes that all Protestant and neo-Protestant denominations, having doctrinal differences in interpretation of various phenomena of modern biomedicine, nevertheless have a common ethical source - the doctrine of autonomous morality, which affirms the independence and isolation of the individual, and its autonomous existential responsibility. The limit of this autonomy is the refusal to recognize God's providence for the human person, and consequently, the denial of church ordinances, traditions, Christian commandments, and, in general, Christian anthropology.