Religious knowledge, objective knowledge of religion and science

  1. Lemma
  2. Религиозное знание, объективное знание о религии и наука
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Co-existence
  6. 2004
  7. Шахов Михаил [Author]. Religious knowledge, objective knowledge of religion and science
  8. Вопросы философии
  9. Philosophy of religion
    1. The author raises a serious, urgent question: what, in the conditions of pluralism of scientific theories, should there be a philosophical and methodological basis for studying religions? Those are the conclusions the author of the article comes to.

      Religious knowledge about the world, speaking of the supernatural and its impact on the world, can reflect to some extent the real state of affairs, that is, to be sincere. Objective knowledge about religion, striving for the greatest completeness, and not for self-restraint, before observing empirical facts, should seek an answer about the measure of the truth of religious knowledge and, taking this into account, develop the philosophical-methodological foundations of its research program. 

      The uncertainty of the boundary between science and non-science in the modern sense, including in the modern philosophy of science, should warn researchers who are not on the non-theistic positions of a priori declaration of religious knowledge unscientific. The study of religion, including secular scholars, can never become "only a science" or "strictly scientific," because the structure of religious studies organically includes the philosophy of religion, which, like philosophy as a whole, constitutes not science.