Views on the evolution theory in the Orthodox Church
- Lemma
- Взгляды на теорию эволюции в Православной Церкви
- Russian
- Saprykin, Dmitry
- Co-existence
- 2003
- Ивлиев Ианнуарий, архимандрит [Author]. Views on the evolution theory in the Orthodox Church
- Православная энциклопедия «Азбука веры»
- Evolution - Russian philosophy - Seraphim Rose, hieromonk
In the presented work a lot of facts, judgments and logical arguments are gathered so as to refute the idea of the species diversity emergence as a result of the matter self-movement due to the play of chance. It is noteworthy that by exposing the falsity of the materialist approach, the work indicates the existence of different approaches to the theory of evolution among the representatives of the Church.