Is science and religion contrary?

  1. Lemma
  2. Противоположны ли наука и религия?
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity
  6. 2003
  7. Силуянова, И. В. [Author]. Truth and idols. The lie of modern atheism.
  8. Истина и идолы. Ложь современного атеизма. : Truth and idols. The lie of modern atheism.
  9. bioethics
    1. Irina Siluyanova in her work lays emphasis on the confrontation between science and religion, which is also warmed up by the attitude of some scientists towards the Church evaluation of a number of advanced biomedical technologies: cloning, fetal therapy, organ and tissue transplantation without the consent of a person, etc. Atheists, the author signals, are indignant with the statements of the Church-Public Council on Biomedical Ethics of the Moscow Patriarchate, in which attention is drawn to the immoral nature of many technological innovations.

      Within the framework of Orthodox understanding of science, the author highlights, a deep interdependence of scientific knowledge, morality and religion is revealed. Identifying this interdependence explains a lot in the development not only of scientific knowledge itself, but also of society, including questions about the perspectives of its existence.