Why an Orthodox can not be an evolutionist

  1. Lemma
  2. Почему православный не может быть эволюционистом
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Orthodox critique of science - Modes of interaction > Conflict
  6. 2000
  7. Буфеев Константин, протоиерей [Author]. Why Orthodox can not be an evolutionist
  8. Шестоднев против эволюции : Hexameron against evolution
  9. evolutionism
    1. http://arhiv-knig.ucoz.ru/_ld/6/646____.htm#q6
    1. The author argues that the very idea of Christian evolutionism is based on speculative propagation and the transfer of spiritual evolution of man to God on the natural development of the whole creation. At the same time, Christian evolutionists turn a blind eye to the entire patristic heritage and the experience of Genesis interpretation, ignoring the fact that man's ascension to God is the result of humility before God. It also constitutes the result of penitence in the violation of His commandments, and therefore it is obvious that "Christian mechanisms of evolution" are inapplicable to the world of animals and to the world of plants.

      The author presents a detailed justification for the incompatibility of evolutionary world view with Orthodox-dogmatic theology. He depicts the way the cataphatic properties of the Deity are denied by evolutionism.